Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Employment Comes At You Fast...

... if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you might miss it.

Uh, I have a job...

I wasn't even really looking yet, at least not with any degree of enthusiasm. I feel like it snuck up and sneak-attacked me... SNATCH! Just like that.

How did that happen? Well, let me tell you.

In days gone by, when I was still in lovely California, I felt the urge to begin seeking employment, so I posted my resume with all the usual suspects: Monster, Hotjobs, CareerBuilder. Not much else happened.

On my first day in New York, whilst searching for window coverings, I got a call from one "Kevin," who claimed he saw said resume on the internet and wondered if I was interested in a position with Time Warner as a Project Coordinator. According to my "any interview is a good interview" policy (thanks Mom), I said, "Sure!"

We chatted, we bonded, he scheduled an interview for me a week hence for the next Monday.

Monday came, it was blistering, boiling-lava, surface-of-the-sun HOT. Still, since my daddy raised me right and taught me to wear Brooks Brothers suits when acting as a professional, I doned my first and favorite black suit and arrived at 23rd St between Lexington and Park Avenue at 4 pm as instructed. OK, I didn't put on the suit jacket until I was in the air conditioned elevator, but still.

In interview #1, I met with Lawrence Rizzo, potential boss man. Super nice, down to earth, sharp guy. Not as smart as anyone in my family, of course, but tolerably intelligent. We chatted, we bonded, he did most of the talking, and he asked me to come back the next day to meet with the VP.

In interview #2, (again in suit, despite fry-an-egg-on-the-sidewalk temperatures) I met with Mark Troller. Again, nice guy, down to earth, obviously not an idiot. This time, I did most of the talking, he seemed pleased, said he'd chat with Lawrence and they'd talk to Kevin and let me know soon.

Kevin calls me, wanting to know how it went. I feel like he is the awkward go-between after a blind date, because I know he's talking to both sides. I don't want to kiss and tell, but I kinda have to give him my report and be a good sport about it.

A few hours later, Kevin calls back, offers me the job, I accept and I'll start on Monday.

Voila! I should write a book, "How to get a job in New York City in one week or less."

It will sell millions.


Camene said...

I love it....Thanks for blogging about your adventures in NYC. Now we can keep track of you. We can't wait to come see you!
And Congrats on the new job!! Isn't it amazing when something is right things just fall right in to place. Good Luck....

Michelle said...

When it's right, it's right, and things just work themselves out. Amazing how that happens...

Mel said...

Do you think your second book could be "How to Find a Job, Anywhere"?

Because I am having a bit of a difficult time...lol.

Alon said...

good story. mine is better. but urs is good.

very impressed that you were able to interview through the somewhat intimidating (due to his sheer size) Mark.

In case anyone is wondering, I have the pleasure of spending 8 hours per day on the other side of a cloth divider to the talented author.