Monday, March 23, 2009


So... It took me the better part of a year... but I finally made it to the fifth borough. I had a meeting for work in Staten Island today. I'm going to be honest, Staten Island is not that impressive, so I haven't been missing much, but its more the principle of the thing.

Manhattan - CHECK
Brooklyn - Check
Queens - Check
Brox - Check
Staten Island - Check.

That's five for five. Bingo!


Sarah said...

Wow, I'm impressed! And you've haven't even been here a year yet! :) I still have yet to make it to Queens (airports don't count). Shameful, I know. It's the only one I'm missing.

I LOVE the McMansion houses on Staten Island and that's pretty much it. Glad you got your Bingo Blackout! :)

Anonymous said...

YAY now you can come home!!!