Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

I have been in New York City for exactly one month, today.

I celebrated by getting Greek food in Greenwich Village after work with my cubicle neighbor, Alon. And then we sat in a park while he explained Jewish high holidays to me and I watched the people parade. It was another great, very New York, day.

SO, after 30 days here are my top ten things I love about New York:

10) The architecture – they don’t make boring buildings here, they are all fascinating and often gorgeous.
9) The food selection will blow your mind, and all of it's good, all of it.
8) The people here are super sharp, ambitious, fun and interesting.
7) Everyone is from somewhere else, and often that somewhere else is another country. I've learned more about Greek culture, Jewish culture and Indian culture in the last month than the rest of my life combined.
6) I can see world class, world famous art at a dozen different locations, all of which I can get to in about half an hour or less.
5) Central Park is kind of like heaven, and only two blocks away.
4) There is something to do, every minute of every day. Live music, shows, concerts, parties, picnics, outings, field trips, gatherings, games, festivals, fairs and performances.
3) The fashion is impeccable and the shopping is legendary. Seriously, people here know how to dress.
2) I get to spend my morning commute reading books!
1) New York is the most exciting city in the world, and I LIVE HERE, which means I never have to leave.

A few things I’m not a fan of….

-Not being able to understand cashiers and clerks because their English is so bad.
-The awkward smell the sometimes wafts down certain blocks and often through the subway – it's vile.
-Humidity sucks, seriously.
-It’s a little far from my family and I miss them.
-No husband yet. ;)

So, for the record, I'm completely in love with this city and it's almost ridiculous how happy I am. Looks like I'm here to stay. (Sorry Mom!)


Camene said...
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Camene said...

Happy Anniversary...Thanks for entertaining us with all your wonderful NYC adventures.
(Sorry, I had to delete my first comment, I used your name and wasn't sure if your were using your name on your blog!)

Michelle said...

I think I get more excited to come see you with every post on this blog. I can't wait!!! I'm so glad you're happy and having the best adventure ever. Don't worry, it's only about to become even more amazing!

Mel said...

In reference to the things you DON'T like....your family misses you too!! (as a member of said family, I am at liberty to say this).

But I am SO glad you are loving it, it sounds amazing, and I can't wait to come visit.

Miss you Bear!!!