Friday, July 4, 2008

You can rain on my picnic, but you can't stop the fireworks!

Happy 4th of July everyone!

I love fireworks, so this is one of my favorite holidays. Plus, I just reading a favorite book of mine called, "The Partly Cloudy Patriot," so I'm feeling especially pro-America lately.

The rain put a damper (pun intended, hee hee) on our grand independence day plans, so we had to move our rooftop picnic inside. Nonetheless, fun times were had:

This is Addie, she's 2...

These are Addie's awesome parents Aubrey and Cole...

After our indoor picnic, many of us trudged our way through the rain over to the East Side to watch the fireworks. Every year they close down the FDR (the highway that runs down the east edge of Manhattan) so that people can stand there and watch the fireworks that they set off from barges on the East River.

So we arrived around 8 and hung out in the rain:

But honestly, what's an adventure without a little rain?
Me, Amy and Sarah... (two of my favorite people here in the city)

Amy, Kelsey, Sarah, Tyler, Me...

All of the New Yorkers on their cell phones...

While waiting, I discovered this nifty little feature: my camera can record video! Who knew?
So you get to see 3 minutes of the fireworks over the East River...
Happy Birthday America. We're glad you were born.

1 comment:

Heather and Aaron said...

Sara, It is so good to read up on what you are up to. We love catching up! Cute hair by the way!