Saturday, April 11, 2009

Avenue Q

The show was billed as "Sesame Street for grown-ups!"

I thought, hey, I loved Sesame Street, this'll be fun.

Then on the way to the theatre, Andrea and I ran into Amy...

"Amy! Hi!"
"Hey, where are you guys off to?"
"We're going to go check out Avenue Q, have you seen it?"
"... Yeah... I did... It's really disturbing."
"Huh? I heard it described as Sesame Street thing, you mean it's disturbing because of the Muppets?"
"... Well, there is that... But I don't want to ruin it for you. You'll have to let me know what you think."
"Ok, I will."

... All of a sudden I'm wondering if this is a big mistake. But hey, we already have the tickets, how bad could it be?

OH ho ho, DISTURBING is the word. The word is disturbing. Ok, it had some funny moments; ok, it had several of them. But there were other moments that I was less than enthused about.

Long and the short of it: It was an adventure. A jaw dropping adventure. I don't particularly recommend it, and DON'T take your kids.

Except for the presence of furry monster puppets, it is nothing like Sesame Street.


Sarah said...

Oh sad. I'm sorry you didn't like it. Definitely not for kids, but I thought it was hilarious!

A. said...

LOL, I saw this with Sarah. And yes, a long cry from sesame street... ;)