Friday, April 10, 2009

Mary Stuart

Last week, my friend Sarah texted me... "I have two free tickets to Mary Stuart? Wanna go?"

Silly question.

After a few text messaging and cell phone kuffufles, I skidded to a halt in front of the theatre just in time for Sarah to hand me my ticket, and for us to run up to the balcony and fall into our seats just as the lights were dimming. Perfect timing.

Mary Stuart is a play about Mary Queen of Scots, the cousin of Elizabeth I whom she had beheaded for treason and attempted assasination. Ever since my Shakespeare class in college, I've had a particular fascination with that period of English history from Henry VIII through the reign of Elizabeth I, and especially with the monarchs in question.

Anyhow, the play was incredible. Intelligent writing, intriguing staging, stunning performances. A heart-breakingly beautiful production. My eyes were glued to the stage and the time flew by.

In other words, I recommend that you see it, should the opportunity present itself.

1 comment:

malia said...

I so want to see this now!