Thursday, March 5, 2009

I love the 80's, Part 2

Going to see Tainted Love at B.B. Kings is quite possibly the most fun I've ever had. Twice.

Tainted Love is of course the 80's tribute band out of San Francisco that we saw back in September. And I've been checking the performance schedule on their website regularly, hoping they would come back. And they did!

This time I invited, basically everyone I know, only to have them sell out half an hour before the show, meaning that most of the friends that showed up, didn't get in. BUMMER. Not wanting to be left to the mercy of the bouncers on a busy night, however, I had picked up my ticket the night before... and the few of us that did get in were not disappointed.

Their set list is loooooooooong. They play for over two hours straight...

Their guitar player rocks...

The guys in the band...

We were right up against the stage, where people were leaving their drinks on the tape that said "No drinks." Apparently illiteracy is a side effect of drunkenness?

THIS guy, I remember from last time we saw Tainted Love. He's a true fan. He even flew out the San Francisco to see them perform on New Years. Dedicated. He looks a little crazy here, but he's actually a nice guy. He gets like this when they play Journey.

Kevin made it in...

Amy did too. Isn't she too cute for words?

Outside afterwords... Dirty (because of the girl behind me that spilled her drink on me - there is nothing quite as disgusting as having beer in your hair), exhausted (this was about 2:30 am), and happy...

They even played my favorite song...

1 comment:

B. Cook said...

There are definitely more disgusting things than having beer in your hair.