Sunday, March 22, 2009

Napoleon Dynamite

I sat down in Sunday School today, and turned around to notice Jon Heder sitting behind me. Not directly behind me, more like one row back and two seats to the right.

Napoleon Dynamite, in my gospel doctrine class.

Wanting to be totally cool and not annoying, I did not stare. But I did glance a few times, just to make sure.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Hahaha! Awesome! :)
Yeah he does that. Pops up in Singles Wards (8th Ward mainly) quite a lot.
I often wonder why he doesn't go to family Wards? Where he would likely not get recognized as much, but maybe he's reminiscing about his single days (orlikes being recognized) and is enjoying not having to go to a family Ward while away from wherever home is....?