Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Divine Madame DVF

How famous do you have to be to be known only by your initials?

DVF. Diane Von Furstenberg.

Tonight I met the fashion-designer-turned-cultural-icon at a function put on by TWWN (Time Warner Women's Network). The function was called "Be The Wonder Woman You Can Be," in honor of the 4th Anniversary of TWWN as well as a recent venture between DVF and DC Comics which resulted in a Wonder Woman inspired collection designed by DVF as well as a comic book printed by DC Comics, inspired by DVF. The highlight of the evening is when Diane was interviewed on stage by a well known journalist and told stories about her life and her career and how she came to be who and where she is today. She talked about her mother, who was a holocaust survivor. She talked about the people that gave her the breaks that led to her career. She talked about some of her good choices and some of her bad choices. She let us all in on some of her peculiar habits. She dispensed some fascinating advice. And yes, at 60, she looked fabulous.
In case you are unfamiliar with Diane Von Ferstenberg, let me give you some of the reasons why she is famous and so very cool:

1) She invented the wrap dress. No joke.
2) She was formerly a princess (by marriage to her first husband).
3) She was a regular at Studio 54 during its height, and was photographed by Andy Warhol at that time and immortalized in one of his iconic portraits.
DVF herself, in front of her Warhol portrait:
... Only in New York.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

i saw her on the front page of msn today! you live such a glamorous life :)