Saturday, November 15, 2008

Halloween, Part 3: YSA Shindig

No one does Halloween quite like the YSA's. So on the actual night of Halloween, I made my way over to the Stake Center for some old fashioned good clean Mormon fun.
My friend Eric was Edward from Twilight, I brought back "Partly Cloudy with a Chance of Rain":
My roommate was DYNAMITE, with Jeff pulled off an appropriately afro'd Richard Simmons:
Tony went ALL OUT to pull of a very impressive Edward Scissor Hands:
Anne acutally used jamba juice cups to get her hair like that! and Amy pulled off the cutest Juno I've ever seen:
Nothing like a post-dance late night diner run for pancakes and banana splits, in costume:
However, my FAVORITE part of the night was this performance by Adrienne and Sara, who had an entire group dressed as "Troop Manhattan Heels":

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