Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Fancy meeting you here...

On Saturday, I happened to be downtown... ok, ok, I was shopping... when I remembered that a friend from work, who lives in Brooklyn, was supposed to be in Manhattan that day instead for some classes... in fact, I thought, I think the school is not too far from here.

So I called Alon, and sure enough, he was two blocks away in Union Square, killing time, so we met up and watched the fantastical people parade including acrobatic dancing, a prayer station, free hugs, some music being played on instruments that looked like bows and arrows to me, but apparently produced some form of organized sound.

See, bows and arrows...

WHERE do people keep their dogs in this town?! The apartments are tiny, there are no yards to speak of... This is a mystery to me...

These are the acrobatic dancers, but I don't think you can see them...

The hustle and bustle...

Alon and Me... (don't get any ideas, family - that means you, we are strictly friends)

You gotta love New York.


Michelle said...

Those "bows and arrows" look like capoeira sticks! I forgot the official name for them... but anyway, they're used to make music for Brazilian fight dancing!

You were right about the keeping up! I'm workin on it.

8 days and counting :)

Mel said...

I wanna come to New York and play and do random cool things with you!!!!!!!!!

That stuff looks right up my alley and super super fun.


Love you Bear!

Mel said...
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