Sunday, June 8, 2008

Peacocks and Pinkberry

As if the lovely children's fair and the draping fiasco weren't quite enough excitement for one day, the fun and charming cliches continued.

I later on met up with my friend Richard (just a friend, he's dating someone, so don't get all excited... Family, that means you.) Because we were both, as I mentioned before, melting, we found a lovely, air conditioned locale serving only food that was frozen. Cold on the outside and cold on the inside were my only two criteria at that point.

Pinkberry, for those of you who have yet to experience the oddly modern, space-agey, asian-retro decor cannot trul appreciate the oddness of being inside of a Pinkberry. The frozen yogurt, however, has an unexpected tangy quality, which is why I think people get hooked on it. Whatever. Like I said before, cold on the outside, cold on the inside. Perfect.

We sat. We chatted. We un-melted.

And then we braved another excursion outside, which led us down 110th toward Central Park... So apparently, there is a CATHEDRAL in my neighborhood. Yeah, a cathedral. At 110th/Amsterdam, I looked up at a very large, very gorgeous building with wonder and amazement. We ventured inside, and I must say, the Catholics do their cathedrals better than the Episcopaleans, in my opinion, but it was still immense and remarkable.

Ta da...

And, as if that weren't cool enough, apparently they keep albino peacocks...

... And I thought they only existed in Harry Potter books.

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