Friday, September 5, 2008

Feel the Burn

Part of my little, or not so little, excursion home was a quick trip up to Lake Mead to try out the new boat. During this adventure I was made to acknowledge three profound truths:

1) The new boat is AWESOME. It completely rocks.
2) If you have not been in the desert sun for three months and then choose to spend a day soaking it in, you will BURN.
3) Wake boarding is fantastic fun, which I had almost forgotten, since it had been so long since I've done it. However, when you have not been wake boarding in almost three years and then you suddenly go again, your wake boarding muscles will receive a very rude awakening. Burn baby burn.

Oh, and one last thing: Kurt Cobain is a rock genius, because he invented grunge rock and changed the sound of music forever. And although Stevie Ray Vaughn is a great blues guitarist he is neither the most profound, the first, nor the last, to sing about angst. when you really thing about it, they've been singing about angst since the days of Chaucer. Rock legendary status is about the sound you create, because in the end, every one's lyrics are about the same stuff - drugs, sex and rock'n'roll.

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