But after a few seconds, I realized this guy was actually GOOD. He played and sang, "Here Comes the Sun," and I was really impressed. I wondered why a guy who was so clearly talented would be playing in the subway... When he was done with the song, I kinda wanted him to keep playing. He explained briefly that he had a CD coming out and that he played in a bar on the West Side every Thursday night. So I took one of the cards that he was passing out with the address of the bar and his name and schedule.
So this Thursday, when Melissa and I were looking for something to do, I remembered Randy!
We made our way down to restaurant row in time to grab a bite at Bourbon Grill (really fun place with a New Orleans theme and a hip-but-chill vibe), and then scooted over to O'Flaherty's in time for Randy's first set.
O'Flaherty's is a great place. As Melissa and I sat down at a table in the drop lounge, we both commented on how it didn't really feel like New York. The place felt like half old-town pub, half grandpa's-old-library, relaxed, kick-back, no pretentions. Loved it. There were book shevles lining most of the walls, with dusty old volumes and random knick-knacks crammed in between. The bartender looked like he'd been doing this every night for 30 years.
You can see some pictures of the place here: http://oflahertysnyc.com/media/oflahertys.html
Randy played a great set - I was pleased to find that he was just as talented as I thought. Melissa and I mostly just kicked back and enjoyed it. Then there was a group of guys playing pool, so we made friends with them as well. One of them even sings reggae, so he got in on a few songs with Randy. After his first set, we got to sit and chat with Randy for a bit. He was really excited that we came after I heard him on the subway. He started his second set and we played another round of pool. We were having so much fun we accidentally stayed out a little later than we had planned on - but if you can't be stupid and stay out late on a week night in your mid-twenties, then when can you?
This is Randy, by the way:

And Randy's website: http://www.randystern.info/
So now I'm a groupie for Robbie Gil and Randy Stern.
I LOVE this town.
I can't wait to do stuff like this with you!
I only have a quick minute here, and I just wanted you to know I'm still reading your blog (quite faithfully actually!)
Miss you Bear!
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